Finding Joy in the Simple Things: Embracing Simplicity in a Chaotic World

In a world filled with distractions, where everyone seems to be chasing after money, attention, and the latest trends, I've always found solace in the simple things. Perhaps it's because of my upbringing in the countryside, where material wealth was scarce, and the pursuit of attention was reserved for pastors and figures I never aspired to be. Instead, I learned to appreciate the beauty of life's simpler moments.

One of my best memories is sitting on the porch with my younger brother, Jeremy, during long summer afternoons. We would spend hours watching cars pass by, playfully guessing who the owners were based on the vehicles they drove. When an old pickup truck rolled along, we would burst into laughter and jokingly claim it as Jeremy's. These seemingly mundane moments became the highlight of our Saturdays, allowing us to create lasting memories while Mama was at work.

Even when I discovered my passion for acting, my motivation wasn't driven by a desire for attention. In fact, being in the spotlight often made me uncomfortable. Whether participating in church plays, community theater, or working as a professional actor in Los Angeles, I always felt like the most awkward person forced into social situations. I observed how people thrived off attention, resorting to lies, deceit, sabotage, and even theft to get and keep it. I knew deep down that this wasn't who I wanted to be. Offstage or off-camera, I found solace in the pages of a good book, particularly Walter Mosley's captivating crime dramas that transported me to unfamiliar worlds.

Let's address the distraction of money and the insatiable greed for more. Living in a capitalist society, I understand the necessity of money for survival, especially in one of the most expensive cities in the country. However, I refuse to compromise my values or sacrifice my soul in its pursuit. Thankfully, I've discovered the power of transferable skills, even those I may not particularly enjoy utilizing. Throughout my life, I've experienced periods of having no money, little money, a lot of money, and not having enough money. Strangely enough, I found myself the most miserable when I had the most money.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson: seeking inner joy through acquiring wealth is an empty pursuit. To position myself in a healthier mindset, I dove deep into the workings of capitalism, striving to understand the system in which we live. I educated myself on investing, saving, and generating more income. Yes, it often feels like there is never enough, but shifting my mindset and embracing the concept of "enough" has brought me more abundance than the relentless chase for wealth ever did. By adopting this mindset, wealth is naturally attracted to me, rather than me frantically chasing after it like a rabid dog.

The genuine excitement in life lies in the simple things. A really dope book can transport me to new worlds and expand my horizons. The transition from mentor to friend brings a sense of fulfillment and deep connection. Discovering a local restaurant with mouthwatering food provides a delightful escape from the mundane. Taking an evening walk and having a heartfelt conversation with a friend renews my spirit. And nothing compares to the warmth of a genuine hug from someone whose heart and soul radiate purity.

I cherish these small moments that remind me that life can be simple, even in the face of looming relationship drama, rising living costs, the political tactics in every industry, and the disheartening backward steps society occasionally takes, eroding rights that should be protected. In the midst of this chaos, it is crucial to pause, gather our thoughts, take a deep breath, and indulge in moments of mindfulness just for ourselves.

Remember that joy is not solely derived from the grand and extravagant. It resides in the simplicity of life, waiting to be discovered in the most unexpected places. By focusing on these special moments and embracing the beauty they bring, we can find contentment and fulfillment amidst the noise and chaos of the world. So, take a step back, appreciate the small joys, and savor the simplicity that life has to offer.

Justin Key

Justin Key is a Los Angeles-based actor, author, content creator, and speaker.

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